Since its inception in 1998, J4K has had the privilege of standing alongside tens of thousands of aspiring goalkeepers from every corner of the globe, hand in hand with our devoted team of J4K goalkeeper coaches.

There exists no other goalkeeper organisation in history that even comes close to the remarkable successes witnessed by J4K students worldwide. We've witnessed our students ascend to the ranks of professionals, secure semi-professional positions, obtain coveted USA college scholarships, and proudly watched two former J4K goalkeepers grace the world stage at the last World Cup.

Enter Tom Burstow, yet another awe-inspiring J4K goalkeeper, and J4K success story.

Tom embarked on his J4K journey six years ago, and from a tender age, he embodied the spirit of J4K as an ambassador. J4K stood behind Tom, sponsoring him with goalkeeper gloves and gear.

Like any young goalkeeper, Tom faced his fair share of challenges and triumphs. However, it's his unwavering focus and unwavering dedication that have seen him rise time and time again, now well on his way to achieving his dreams.

Tom not only earned a coveted spot in the Plymouth Argyle FC's Post-16 education squad but, come February 2024, he will be one of just two goalkeepers chosen to represent the USA soccer scholarship squad in the thrilling showdown at the Las Mayors Cup in Las Vegas.

Tom's journey stands as a beacon of hope for every young goalkeeper navigating the highs and lows of their own path. He's a living testament to the fact that with tireless effort, relentless training, and an unwavering belief in your dreams – you can turn them into reality.

To you, Tom, embarking on this new chapter, the entire J4K community extends its warmest wishes. We are immensely proud of you. Know that J4K stands steadfast in its commitment to support you as you charge forward into adulthood, steadfastly pursuing your dreams.


J4K and Tom - Proud To Be Different

Written by ray newland

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