Why Do Some Goalkeepers Sadly Fail?
Over the past 20 plus years running the Just4keepers goalkeeper coaching side of things, and having coached tens of thousands of goalkeepers, I know the secret of why, and how, some goalkeepers succeed and why some sadly fail.
I with my fellow J4K goalkeeper coaches have personally helped thousands of our students achieve their dreams of either becoming a semi professional goalkeeper, a professional goalkeeper and even gaining college scholarships throughout the USA.
And without stating the obvious, but the J4K goalkeeper students who made the grade and achieved their dreams, were the goalkeepers that worked harder than their competition!
Seriously, the goalkeeper students that worked harder and smarter, made the grade!
When I mean smarter by the way, this is when a goalkeeper student was getting the correct advice form their J4K goalkeeper coach, and acting on this sound advice and also building their self belief and self confidence.
As a goalkeeper it is a MUST you build your mental strength.
Please goto https://j4ksports.co.uk/how-to-become-mentally-strong for our free course on this very important topic.
Over the past two decades coaching goalkeepers all over the world, I have seen so many average goalkeepers out work and out smart, competition who were better natural goalkeepers but because they never had the correct work ethic, the average goalkeeper consistently beat the above average goalkeeper.
So please do not think goalkeepers with natural talent, will automatically make the grade, because from my experience coaching thousands of goalkeepers, it is the goalkeepers who are prepared to work two, three, ten times harder than their competition that always make the grade.

PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE: We are sadly in a day and age, where most children are stuck indoors with their head stuck inside some type of brain draining technology.
So if you are prepared to be out EVERYDAY to improve your goalkeeping, this will 1000% give you the edge!
Like I said above, as obvious as this advice is, if you want to make the grade and be better than your competition - simply outwork them!
Ray Newland
Written by admin

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