J4K Semi Pro Sponsorship Program

If You Are A Semi Pro Goalkeeper, Watch The Quick Video Below To See How J4K Will Sponsor You For Your Goalkeeper Gloves. Then Email Me Below.

 Become A J4K Sponsored Goalkeeper

If interested, follow instructions below and email me on help@just4keepers.com.

Please remember to be considered to get glove sponsorship, at least once per week you must and also join my online J4K skool community (its free:)

  1. Post out one video and post out one image each week (To the J4K criteria)
  2. Tag J4k into this content: (J4k tags below)
  3. Send your video and image to the J4K ONLINE SKOOL (CLICK LINK)

Please Note: Once in the J4K SKOOL, please upload images/videos to the J4K Ambassadors (sponsored) section. Also this is where I communicate with all Ambassadors, so please do not email any questions - instead ask within J4K SKOOL.

IMPORTANT: If you do not follow the above instruction, your sponsorship will sadly have to be cancelled.

J4K Hashtags:

Facebook: @Just4keepersgoalkeeping

Instagram: just4keepershq

Twitter: @J4KHQ

Tikok: @Just4keepers
